Growing up in the Episcopal Church, the Doxology was an oft-sung hymn of praise. Even now, its sacred refrain and familiar melody provide a place of center and focus in my ever-changing world. I recall a heavenly moment in Jamaica when a visiting team gathered in our new dining hall in the building below our apartment to conduct their morning devotions. Concluding with the Doxology, their unaccompanied voices resonated in the unfurnished hall, and the celestial sound echoed out of the open windows of the cement-blocked building. It seemed as if heaven itself joined their voices, as praises to God rang out across New Vision’s acreage. It was a holy moment.
At New Vision City of Refuge, we enjoyed the diverse ministry teams of college students and youth groups, construction workers and homemakers, teachers and mechanics. Although most teams were from our own fellowship, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, and Methodists were also among our visitors. Interestingly, even though each group preferred a particular style of music, the one song that everyone knew was the Doxology. Seemingly, when personality and preferences may conflict and divide, sacred anthems effectively transcend and unite.
I have been devoting much of my time recently meditating on the Doxology. When I consider the changes and transitions God is leading my family through, I need the Doxology to focus my attention on praise and adoration of the Holy One who transcends time and eternity. Recently, the Lord has made it clear to us that our season of ministry in Jamaica has concluded. I pray you understand what a difficult time we have had accepting this; we are grieving our loss.
However, the Lord has not left us without hope or direction. We are now preparing to reach the orphans and students of our neighboring country as missionaries to Mexico. I fervently ask that you continue to pray and support us through this challenging transition. We have much to accomplish before language school starts on August 26, in Costa Rica. Within the next few days, we are traveling to Jamaica to retrieve our personal belongings, sell our furniture, and say goodbye to our beloved New Vision family. Upon our return to Indiana, we will only have two days to pack for language school. We need you now more than ever.
I am so thankful for the magnificent God that we serve and for the Body of Christ; for no matter where we are in the world, right now we can all join and sing:
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost