Stuart and Wendy Brown are on temporary special assignment for 2018-2020.
Wendy is the Missionary in Residence at Evangel University. She teaches New Testament Literature, Intro to Intercultural Ministries, Best Practices, and Working Cross-Culturally. Wendy is also the faculty adviser for World Changers Missions Fellowship and a mentor for our next generation’s global workers.
Stuart works full-time with AGWM International Ministries at CompassionLink. CompassionLink is a team of dedicated consultants who partner with missionaries and national churches worldwide to create and restore healthy communities. Stuart is specifically working with the Sustainable Development team and is involved with numerous projects such as aquaponics, water filtration, hydroponics, improved agriculture, square-meter gardening, solar cooking systems, and much more.
The City of Refuge is an Assemblies of God children’s home in Jamaica. It is incorporated as a company with the government of Jamaica and licensed with the Child Development Agency. The children’s home in Christiana is operated by a Board of Directors and supervised by Assemblies of God missionaries, Reverend Stuart and Wendy Brown. You can invest in the life of a orphan by sponsoring a child at the City of Refuge. Just click on the link below to get started.
Olivia is a senior this year and her birthday is January 26, 1992. Some of her favorite things to do is draw, listen to music, ballroom dancing, and drive while in the States.
Wesley is a sophomore this year and his birthday is June 2, 1994. Some of the things Wesley likes to do is practice on the keyboards, read, play xbox games, and watch the Indiana Colts.
Sophia is in the 8th grade and her birthday is January 22, 1996. Some of the things she likes to do is hang out with friends, take pictures, and do video webcasts.