Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

"The skies proclaim the work of his hand." Psalm 19:1

I recall looking up into a brilliant Jamaican sky one evening after a storm blew through. In the absence of unnatural light, God’s splendid galaxy overwhelmed us. Constellations usually hidden by light pollution, now shimmered with clarity. We were in awe. Indeed the heavens do declare the glory of God.

I felt the same way recently after I read Creation and Evolution by Alan Hayward. In his book, Dr Hayward, a Christian physicist, affirms God’s handiwork while at the same time disputing evolution. Interesting enough he accomplishes this in part by presenting evidence from non-Christian researchers.

The record of nature and the revelation of God’s word concur; all of creation has been magnificently fashioned by a divine engineer. That is why our creedal statements confess, “I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth,” and our hymnals melodically declare, “This is my Father’s world.” Our world is a wonder to behold, and our God is the Creator to be adored.

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