Saturday, July 14, 2007

Let Freedom Ring

In The United States of America and Jamaica, summer is the season to celebrate our respective national independence days. The United States celebrated her independence on July 4, and Jamaica will commemorate hers on August 6.

In each of our histories there are notable persons who epitomize the fight for freedom and independence. Depending on the country you live in, we recall and honor the self-sacrificing actions or inspiring words of people like Patrick Henry or Alexander Bustamante, George Washington or Norman Washington Manley, Paul Revere or Paul Boggle.

Freedom though, is not simply a physical concern but a spiritual one. A person can not truly be liberated if his mind and soul are in captivity. The Psalmist declares, “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.” Although it may sound paradoxical, the way to true freedom is through obedience to God.

Many of our children gained physical freedom from abusive guardians or abject poverty when they were brought to New Vision City of Refuge Children’s Home. Although, we are thankful for the opportunity to love and care for them, there is a greater freedom we desire for them to experience; the freedom to know and love the Liberator of their souls.

But our common foe is an unmerciful opponent; and the battle rages on.

As a friend and sponsor of New Vision City of Refuge you have become our allies. Your prayers and financial assistance provide the necessary arms to fortify us in this sacred war. As patriots we stand under and salute our national flag to honor those who fought for our freedoms. As Christians, we stand together under the cross of Christ and continue to fight for the liberation of each child’s soul.

Let freedom ring.

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