Friday, January 20, 2006

I Dared to Call Him Father

“…but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry ‘Abba, Father’” Romans 8:15
The above declaration is the title of a compelling book by Bilquis Sheikh, a Muslim who encounters Christ through the startling revelation that God is her Father.
As a woman in Pakistan it is unthinkable for her to consider God as someone as intimate and personal as her father. But indeed he is.
“In order to understand the relentless tenderness and passionate love of Jesus Christ we must always return to his Abba experience,” says Brennan Manning in his book, The Signature of Jesus. “He experienced God as tender and loving, courteous and kind, compassionate and forgiving. Abba, best translated Papa or Daddy, opened up the possibility of undreamed-of, unheard-of intimacy with God.”
“Lord, teach us to pray,” plea the disciples. “Our Father in heaven,” replies Jesus. The Lord sets the tone for our relationship with the Divine. “Abba, Father,” he cries out in agony from the Garden. “Father, forgive them,” he speaks compassionately on the cross. “He who loves me will be loved by my Father,” promises Jesus.
Our hope and prayer is that the children of New Vision City of Refuge would not miss out on this “undreamed-of, unheard-of intimacy with God.” May we all experience God’s “relentless tenderness and passionate love” and dare to call him, Father.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! May God bless all your efforts in Jamaica.