Sunday, March 25, 2007

Aslan Is On The Move

Dermot looks forward to Spring.

As I’m sure many of you have now already seen Narnia, the epic movie adaptation of CS Lewis’ much loved book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe you are no doubt familiar with the quotation in the title above. Mr. Beaver, in his conversation with the Pevensie children, imparts to them a measure of hope and wonder with these few words, “Aslan is on the move.”

The presence of Aslan, the Christ figure in the Chronicles of Narnia series, in the frozen world of Narnia threatens the domination of the self proclaimed ice-matriarch and the world begins to thaw.
As many of us can testify, there once was a time in our lives when we lived in a frozen world similar to Narnia. A world where there was always winter but never Christmas. But then someone came to us with a message of hope, “Aslan is on the move.”

This week we will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ; the one who came into our wintery world and brought to us the hope and wonder of spring. Our children at New Vision City of Refuge hear that message of hope constantly; through the encouraging letters of their sponsors, weekly in church, nightly at devotions and daily by us and our staff. Some are still choosing to live in winter but others are learning to experience the thaw. We are hopeful for the soon coming spring, keep praying; “Aslan is on the move.”

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